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  • 机器人膝关节置换 | Lengthening Turkey

    机器人膝关节置换手术 膝关节是一个勤劳的关节。当你走路、蹲下,甚至静止不动时,你的膝盖依赖于一个由骨骼、韧带、软骨、肌肉和神经组成的良好系统。如果受伤、关节炎或其他疾病影响膝盖的任何部位,您可能需要进行膝关节置换手术。 在这些程序中,精度至关重要。外科医生的测量工具越精确,他们就能更好地计划和执行您的手术。 机器人膝关节置换术类似于传统的膝关节置换术。您的外科医生会移除您膝盖中受损的组织,并用人工关节替换它。不同之处在于它是在机械臂或手持机器人设备的帮助下完成的(取决于用于手术的机器人系统)。 ​ 与传统手术相比,机器人辅助膝关节置换手术的效果要好五倍。膝关节的角度是手术成功的另一个关键因素,机器人技术的准确性大约是手动手术的五倍。 ​ 机器人辅助程序可以提高精度,并可以缩短恢复时间并获得更好的结果。在更复杂的情况下,机器人辅助膝关节置换术可以更好地平衡膝关节周围的软组织,并更好地对齐关节。如果您正在接受机器人辅助膝关节置换手术,那么与传统手术相比,您无需做任何不同的准备。 ​ ​ ​ Mako 机器人手臂辅助全膝关节置换术是一种治疗方案,适用于患有中晚期膝关节骨性关节炎的成年人。 获取报价 机器人辅助膝关节置换术的工作原理 马可系统: 它在手术前对您的膝盖进行特定扫描,以精确测量您的膝盖。 它需要一种稍微不同的方法来帮助您的外科医生遵循您的手术计划。 在 Mako 膝关节置换手术之前,您将获得专门的 CAT 扫描,生成您的膝关节、骨骼结构和周围组织的 3-D 图像。这张详细的图片可帮助您的外科医生计划您手术的每一步。可以精确到毫米进行切割,选择正确的植入物尺寸和定位。 在 Mako 手术开始时,您的外科医生将使用跟踪针帮助机器人确认它从您的 CAT 扫描中接收到正确的尺寸和定位信息。然后,Mako 手臂自行定位,您的外科医生使用手持工具进行膝关节置换。该工具将在整个手术过程中指导外科医生,增强他们的经验和技能。 谁是机器人膝关节置换术的候选人? 即使是最复杂的膝关节疾病,机器人膝关节置换术也是理想的选择。这包括患有以下疾病的患者: 受伤后股骨畸形 复杂的退化 以前手术的硬件 机器人膝关节置换手术有哪些优势? 与传统手术相比,机器人辅助膝关节置换手术有几个优点。优点包括: 加强手术计划。根据适合您的机器人选项,在准备手术或手术期间拍摄专门的 3-D 图像。这些图像可帮助您的外科医生更准确地规划替换关节的最佳类型和位置,以确保合适的尺寸和适合度。 更高的精度。机器人技术增强了您的整形外科医生的专业知识,以实现更精确的计划、组织切除和植入物放置。这可以导致更快的恢复时间、更少的并发症和更低的翻修手术的可能性。 更多韧带保留选项。随着机器人辅助膝关节置换系统增加了精度和准确性,保留韧带的全膝关节置换手术比以往任何时候都可供更多的患者使用。 ​ 膝关节置换术的传统与机器人手术 机器人辅助膝关节置换手术并非仅由机器人完成。相反,它充当指南,帮助您的外科医生遵循预先制定的计划。 就像在传统手术中一样,您的整形外科医生处于控制之中,但是,他们使用机器人作为额外的手术工具。该机器人可在您手术的各个阶段提高您的外科医生的技能,以帮助提供最佳结果。 ​ 机器人膝关节置换恢复过程 机器人关节置换使用更精确的切口并有助于实现最佳定位,这可能会导致更好和更快的恢复。 手术后,您的外科医生和您的护理团队的其他成员将监控您的进展,帮助缓解不适,并为您的家庭康复制定路线。 ​ 膝关节置换术后的恢复和康复 无论您使用哪种类型的膝关节置换术,我们都会让您开始制定专为您设计的康复计划。我们的目标是尽可能轻松地从传统和机器人膝关节置换术中恢复,以提高您的生活质量和长期活动能力。 ​ 膝关节置换后立即 我们在膝关节置换手术后的最终目标是恢复您的独立性,让您安全回家并确保您在家中获得帮助。 手术后,我们会将您转移到恢复室,您将在那里停留一到三个小时。您的护士会将您连接到几台机器——例如止痛泵、引流管和导尿管——并密切监测您的生命体征。 ​ 移动 膝关节置换手术后,我们会鼓励您在可行且安全的情况下尽快起床并移动,具体取决于您的感觉。我们的骨科康复团队将帮助您使用拐杖或助行架进行短距离步行。您越早开始运动,您在康复过程中可能面临的并发症就越少。 ​ 为膝关节手术后的家庭和康复做准备 在您回家的那天,我们将为您提供康复期间所需的所有信息和指导,包括: 切口护理 药物 需要的后续访问 限制(即禁止开车、工作或淋浴) 您的治疗师将确保您正确使用助行器或拐杖,以便您感到舒适且没有危险。您需要治疗的频率和时间取决于您的具体需求。 ​ Anchor 1 获取报价 First Name Last Name Country Code & Phone Email Write a message How did you found us? Google Google Ads Instagram Forums Friend I agree to the terms & conditions Xray Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) 提交 感谢提交!

  • Standing Tall at 46 | Lengthening Turkey

    Standing Tall at 46: How Dr. Confidence-Booster at Lengthening Turkey Clinic Changed the Game! Greetings from the "New and Improved" Me! I'm thrilled to share the incredible saga of my adventure with cosmetic leg lengthening, a journey that has not only added inches to my height but a surplus of confidence, all thanks to the amazing Dr. Confidence-Booster (okay, it's really Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu) and the stellar team at Lengthening Turkey Clinic. ​ As a 46-year-old guy who's been rocking the 5ft 5inches height for, well, forever, I decided it was high time (pun intended again) to turn the tables on the good-natured banter from my friends. So, I strapped on my boots (well, metaphorical ones) and headed to Lengthening Turkey Clinic. ​ Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu, the maestro of confidence elevation, instantly became my partner in this unconventional quest. His down-to-earth humor and understanding made me feel like I was about to embark on the most epic adventure of my life. Spoiler alert: It was! ​ In just three months, Dr. Confidence-Booster worked his magic, and voilà, I gained a solid boost of 14cm! I had Precice Quadrilateral Method. Now, not only do I see eye to eye with my pals (literally), but I've also earned a whole new level of respect in the art of good-natured ribbing. ​ The surgery day was a blend of excitement and nerves, but Dr. Fatih and the team at Lengthening Turkey Clinic made sure it was a smooth ride. The post-op phase was like my own personal boot camp for confidence, with the staff doubling as drill sergeants and cheerleaders. ​ Now, instead of being the butt of jokes, I'm standing 6ft tall (literally and figuratively) among my friends. Dr. Confidence-Booster and his team not only helped me rise in stature but also in self-esteem. It's amazing how a few extra centimeters can make you feel on top of the world! ​ If you're a seasoned adult looking to spice up life with a dash of height and a heap of confidence, Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu and Lengthening Turkey Clinic are your go-to maestros. They didn't just change my height; they transformed the way I carry myself, and I'm forever grateful for this life-altering experience. ​ Here's to standing tall and proud!

  • Precice 2.2 包 | 土耳其的腿部伸展手术

    PRECICE 2.2 方法包 PRECICE 髓内肢体延长系统是 Nuvasive(美国)为延长肢体而开发的最后一种技术设备。该设备允许通过 PRECICE 髓内 (IM) 设备和远程控制单元 (ERC) 之间的磁相互作用来延长腿部。但它们不是负重的。因此,它并不适合所有人。我们需要您向我们发送您希望进行手术的骨骼 X 光片,以检查您是否适合。 如果您需要,您可以联系我们索取 X 射线中心的医嘱。 ​ 术后一周肢体延长开始于每天 1 毫米 1cm=10天 8cm=80天 8cm 表示 3.15 英寸 ​ 指甲会在您的骨骼中停留 1-1.5 年,因此新的骨纤维会在它们周围形成。去除主钉是可选的。您可以终身保留它们,也可以将它们移除。 ​ 我们酒店的 2 晚手术前免费提供给我们所有的患者。 Precice 2.2 方法酒店包含在内 手术 4晚/5天住院(包括所有膳食) 伊斯坦布尔四点喜来登酒店住宿 90 晚(包含早餐) 免费无线网络 在您的房间进行 6 次美孚 X 光检查 在此期间与手术相关的所有药物 所有敷料材料和用品 Walker - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座垫 定制腿支撑夹板 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有测试和考试 Precice 2.2 方法酒店除外 手术 4晚/5天住院(包括所有膳食) 在您的房间内进行 6 次美孚 X 光检查 在此期间与手术相关的所有药物 所有敷料材料和用品 Walker - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座垫 定制腿支撑夹板 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有测试和考试 ​ *您需要自己寻找住处 Deluxe King Room Restaurant FourPoints Sheraton Lobby Winter Garden Spa 获取报价 请随时填写以下申请表以了解套餐价格。 名 姓 当前身高体重 国家 Country Code & Phone 電子郵件 您希望什么时候进行手术? Birthday 我接受分享我的信息 How did you found us? Google Google Ads Instagram Forums YouTube 發送 感谢提交!

  • 手臂延长手术 | Lengthening Turkey

    手臂延长手术 由于医疗或美容原因,肱骨延长是一种治疗双臂或单臂的方法,它还允许矫正畸形,包括成角和旋转。 仅使用 PRECICE 髓内钉可将手臂延长至 5 厘米。 ​ 不幸的是,由于骨骼的直径较小并且每年进行的手臂延长手术数量非常少,因此没有专门用于上臂的内部延长装置在市场上销售。 PRECICE 钉子是第一个小到可以安装在骨骼成熟患者肱骨内的装置。通常我们使用 8.5mmx233mm 大小的股骨 PRECICE 钉子。 上肢延长术是一种可用于增加手臂高度的外科手术。也可以对患有称为 Klippel-Feil 综合征的人进行手术,这会导致他们的手臂比正常人短。 ​ 一些接受过这种手术的人说,他们对自己和自己的能力更有信心。这是因为当他们想做某事或与他人互动时,他们不再受手臂长度的限制。 它也可以用来矫正手臂的畸形或改善创伤或受伤后的功能。 ​ 肱骨延长手术是一种骨科手术,用于治疗称为短臂综合征的疾病。该程序通过切割骨头并在骨头的两端之间插入植入物来延长手臂。 该程序已经存在了几十年,但直到 2007 年才获得 FDA 的批准。 ​ 手术在全身麻醉下进行。 手术有两种入路,前路和后路。 在手术过程中,手臂位于头部上方。 在手术过程中,将一根髓内钉插入臂骨并切断,以便延长臂骨。 通过 PRECICE 指甲延长肱骨 获取报价 First Name Last Name Email Write a message Country Code & Phone Birthday How did you found us? Google Google Ads Instagram Forums Friend 提交 感谢提交! I accept to share my informations

  • LON法肢体延长手术

    LON 方法包 指甲加长法(LON)法是目前世界上患者进行和选择最多的肢体延长法,因为它与其他方法相比具有较高的可靠性和低成本。 术后一周肢体延长开始于每天 1 毫米 1cm=10天 8cm=80天 8cm 表示 3.15 英寸 当您达到您的身高目标时,固定器将被移除。 主指甲将在您的骨骼中停留 1.5-2 年,因此新的骨纤维会在它们周围形成。去除髓内钉是可选的。您可以终身保留它们,也可以将它们移除。它们是 100% 固体钛和 MRI 兼容。 ​ 我们酒店为所有患者免费提供 2 晚手术前服务。 Deluxe King Room Restaurant FourPoints Sheraton Lobby Winter Garden Spa LON Method 酒店除外 手术 4晚/5天住院(包括所有膳食) 在您的房间内进行 6 次美孚 X 光检查 固定器移除手术 当你达到你的目标 在此期间与手术相关的所有药物 所有敷料材料和用品 Walker - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座垫 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有必要的测试和考试 ​ *您需要自己寻找住处 包括 LON Method 酒店 手术 4晚/5天住院(包括所有膳食) 伊斯坦布尔四点喜来登酒店住宿 90 晚(包含早餐) 免费无线网络 在您的房间进行 6 次美孚 X 光检查 固定器去除手术 当你达到你的目标 在此期间与手术相关的所有药物 所有敷料材料和用品 Walker - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座垫 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有必要的测试和考试 獲取報價 请随时填写以下申请表以了解套餐价格。 名 姓 电子邮件 当前身高体重 国家 您希望什么时候进行手术? Country Code & Phone Birthday 我接受分享我的信息 How did you found us? Google Google Ads Instagram Forums YouTube 發送 感謝提交!

  • A Life-Changing Experience  | Lengthening Turkey

    A Life-Changing Experience I am thrilled to share my incredible journey with cosmetic leg lengthening, a decision that not only transformed my physical appearance but also profoundly impacted my self-confidence and overall well-being. At the heart of this remarkable transformation was the expert care provided by Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu and the dedicated team at Lengthening Turkey Clinic. ​ As a 25-year-old from England, I approached the decision for leg lengthening with both excitement and apprehension. After thorough research, I chose the quadrilateral leg lengthening method, and I am elated to share that, in just three months, I achieved an astounding 14cm increase in height. ​ Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu's skill and expertise were evident from our first consultation. His comprehensive understanding of the procedure and personalized approach instilled in me a sense of confidence and trust. Throughout the process, Dr. Arslanoglu and his team provided unwavering support, ensuring that I felt comfortable and informed at every stage. ​ The surgery itself was a testament to the clinic's commitment to excellence. Dr. Arslanoglu's precision and attention to detail, coupled with the state-of-the-art facilities at Lengthening Turkey Clinic, made the entire experience smooth and virtually pain-free. The post-operative care I received was exceptional, with the medical staff prioritizing my comfort and well-being. The rehabilitation process was tailored to my individual needs, and the team's dedication to my progress was evident in every session. ​ Beyond the physical transformation, the newfound confidence and self-assurance I gained are immeasurable. Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu and the entire team at Lengthening Turkey Clinic not only enhanced my height but also played a pivotal role in elevating my quality of life. I wholeheartedly recommend Lengthening Turkey Clinic and Dr. Fatih Arslanoglu to anyone considering cosmetic leg lengthening. Their commitment to excellence, personalized care, and outstanding results have forever changed my life, and I am immensely grateful for this life-changing experience. ​ Sincerely.

  • Privacy Policy | Lengthening Turkey

    ​ Privacy Policy for Lengthening Turkey Height Solutions Privacy Policy Last updated: September 06, 2023 This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. ​ Interpretation and Definitions Interpretation The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural. Definitions For the purposes of this Privacy Policy: Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service. Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority. Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Lengthening Turkey Height Solutions, Lutfi Aykac Bulv. Bo:80 D Sultangazi, Istanbul, TR. Cookies are small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of Your browsing history on that website among its many uses. Country refers to: Turkey Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet. Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. Service refers to the Website. Service Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company in analyzing how the Service is used. Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit). Website refers to Lengthening Turkey Height Solutions, accessible from You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable. Collecting and Using Your Personal Data ​ Types of Data Collected ​ Personal Data While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to: Email address First name and last name Phone number Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City Usage Data U sage Data Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service. Usage Data may include informat ion such as Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device. ​ Tracking Technologies and Cookies We use Cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on Our Service and store certain information. Tracking technologies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze Our Service. The technologies We use may include: Cookies or Browser Cookies. A cookie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can instruct Your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being sent. However, if You do not accept Cookies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Service. Unless you have adjusted Your browser setting so that it will refuse Cookies, our Service may use Cookies. Web Beacons. Certain sections of our Service and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that permit the Company, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of a certain section and verifying system and server integrity). Cookies can be "Persistent" or "Session" Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on Your personal computer or mobile device when You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close Your web browser. Learn more about cookies on the Free Privacy Policy website article. We use both Session and Persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below: Necessary / Essential Cookies Type: Session Cookies Administered by: Us Purpose: These Cookies are essential to provide You with services available through the Website and to enable You to use some of its features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. Without these Cookies, the services that You have asked for cannot be provided, and We only use these Cookies to provide You with those services. Cookies Policy / Notice Acceptance Cookies Type: Persistent Cookies Administered by: Us Purpose: These Cookies identify if users have accepted the use of cookies on the Website. Functionality Cookies Type: Persistent Cookies Administered by: Us Purpose: These Cookies allow us to remember choices You make when You use the Website, such as remembering your login details or language preference. The purpose of these Cookies is to provide You with a more personal experience and to avoid You having to re-enter your preferences every time You use the Website. For more information about the cookies we use and your choices regarding cookies, please visit our Cookies Policy or the Cookies section of our Privacy Policy. Use of Your Personal Data The Company may use Personal Data for the following purposes: To provide and maintain our Service, including to monitor the usage of our Service. To manage Your Account: to manage Your registration as a user of the Service. The Personal Data You provide can give You access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to You as a registered user. For the performance of a contract: the development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the products, items or services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service. To contact You: To contact You by email, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as a mobile application's push notifications regarding updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or contracted services, including the security updates, when necessary or reasonable for their implementation. To provide You with news, special offers and general information about other goods, services and events which we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about unless You have opted not to receive such information. To manage Your requests: To attend and manage Your requests to Us. For business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Us about our Service users is among the assets transferred. For other purposes: We may use Your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve our Service, products, services, marketing and your experience. We may share Your personal information in the following situations: With Service Providers: We may share Your personal information with Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service, to contact You. For business transfers: We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company. With Affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include Our parent company and any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that We control or that are under common control with Us. With business partners: We may share Your information with Our business partners to offer You certain products, services or promotions. With other users: when You share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside. With Your consent: We may disclose Your personal information for any other purpose with Your consent. Retention of Your Personal Data The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. The Company will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods. Transfer of Your Personal Data Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the Company's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer. The Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information. Delete Your Personal Data You have the right to delete or request that We assist in deleting the Personal Data that We have collected about You. Our Service may give You the ability to delete certain information about You from within the Service. You may update, amend, or delete Your information at any time by signing in to Your Account, if you have one, and visiting the account settings section that allows you to manage Your personal information. You may also contact Us to request access to, correct, or delete any personal information that You have provided to Us. Please note, however, that We may need to retain certain information when we have a legal obligation or lawful basis to do so. Disclosure of Your Personal Data Business Transactions If the Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy. Law enforcement Under certain circumstances, the Company may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency). Other legal requirements The Company may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: Comply with a legal obligation Protect and defend the rights or property of the Company Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service Protect the personal safety of Users of the Service or the public Protect against legal liability Security of Your Personal Data The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security. Children's Privacy Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers. If We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires consent from a parent, We may require Your parent's consent before We collect and use that information. Links to Other Websites Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services. Changes to this Privacy Policy We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us: By email:

  • Testimonials | Lengthening Turkey

    Testimonials Explore Explore Explore Here you can read inpiring testimonials from our previous patients! Click the headline to read it! A Life-Changing Experience A Leg-Endary Tall Tale Standing Tall at 46

  • 肢体延长的历史 | Lengthening Turkey

    肢体延长的历史 1905 博洛尼亚的 Alessandro Codivilla 是第一个应用骨骼牵引来延长骨骼的人。他在麻醉剂下使用了短距离的急性强制延长。他描述了另一种通过持续伸展来实现更大距离的技术,使用跟骨针牵引和斜截骨术,然后牵引 25-30 公斤。然后可以通过分阶段施加更多的牵引力来实现更多的延长 [ 1 ]。 Fassett 使用截骨术、插入骨移植物并用钢板固定来开发一期延长术。然而,这个过程伴随着许多严重的并发症 1932 勒罗伊·C·雅培 介绍了他在圣路易斯的 Shriners 残疾儿童医院对 73 名患者(45 名胫骨延长)进行下肢延长的经验。本文阐述的基本原理是通过骨的牵引和反牵引、缓慢连续牵引以克服软组织的阻力以及骨端的准确接触和对齐。他详细描述了胫骨延长的基本原理,包括在截骨上方和下方使用两个销钉,连接到一个特殊的器械上。钻针由不锈钢制成,而不是普通钢,因为它对软组织的刺激性较小。手术步骤是:延长跟腱、截骨腓骨、插入针、应用器械、截骨胫骨和引流闭合伤口。胫骨截骨术必须进行最少的软组织解剖,以保持骨骼的血液供应并防止感染。外科医生必须等待 1 周,直到肿胀消退才能分心。这是伊利扎罗夫时代之前对等待期的第一次描述。平均牵引速度为每天 1.6 毫米,牵引时间为 4 至 5 周。将该装置保持在原位 8 到 10 周,然后移除并应用石膏模型。每 2 至 3 周进行一次后续 X 光检查以检查骨形成。患者年龄从 8 岁到 19 岁不等。胫骨延长幅度为3.81~8.89 cm。他们报告了胫骨延长的出色结果,但股骨的结果不太理想,并发症发生率更高 1942 然后,Dickson FD 和 Diveley RL 报道了一种使用克氏针而不是更大直径的针来减少软组织损伤的装置。瓦格纳开发的方法在欧美流行;该方法包括3个操作。第一个手术是应用单侧外固定和骨干截骨。没有等待期,因此进行了 5 毫米的急性手术延长,然后每天进行约 1.5 毫米的牵引。第二次手术是钢板和骨移植。第三道工序是拆板和浇铸。然而,并发症的发生率很高 1951 Taylor Spatial Frame 我们当代关于骨骼延长的大部分知识都来自 Ilizarov 方法。 Ilizarov 于 1951 年开始了他的工作,他使用圆形框架和穿刺张力线治疗患有骨缺损的患者。然后他发现了张力应力或牵张组织发生的生物学规律,并将这一原理应用于治疗各种疾病,如骨不连、骨髓炎、侏儒症、先天性畸形、一些骨肿瘤、骨缺损、骨折和骨缩短。 最近,六足计算机辅助圆形框架,如 Taylor Spatial Frame 和 Lengthening Over Nail 已经流行起来。下一步的发展是应用自我牵引电动钉,如 PRECICE 和 PRECICE STRYDE(一种磁力驱动的钛髓内钉),以避免外固定的并发症并获得快速康复。然而,Ilizarov 的原则仍然是所有骨骼延长手术的基石。 LON 方法案例样本

  • 灰姑娘足部手术 | Lengthening Turkey

    灰姑娘足部手术 没有爪状脚趾。没有展开脚。 最好的护理和美容。 什么是灰姑娘足部手术? 灰姑娘手术是几种不同程序的组合,例如拇囊成形术、拇囊切除术和跟骨部分切除术。基本上,这种手术可以去除拇囊炎,矫正拇外翻,缩短脚趾并让你的脚变小。目标是让您重新适应您最喜欢的鞋子,并在您不穿任何东西时让它们看起来更美观。 谁是好候选人 没有确定灰姑娘手术的良好候选人的具体标准,但您应该身体健康。您可能会被要求在手术前几天停止服药,特别是如果您服用阿司匹林或其他血液稀释药物。此外,您需要在任何医疗程序之前戒烟。此外,您的外科医生将努力确保您的手术目标切合实际,这是您作为患者最终满意的一个重要因素。 ​ 在程序之前、期间和之后会发生什么 灰姑娘程序实际上是为达到预期结果而一起使用的程序组合。通常会使用一种称为脚踝阻滞的局部麻醉剂,但有时该程序是在全身麻醉下进行的。 矫正锤状或爪状脚趾 矫正拇外翻(这是一种非常常见的足部畸形) 内侧或外侧拇囊炎切除 缩短不合适的长手指(穿鞋效果会很好) 短跖骨延长(最常见的是第四跖骨) 去除疼痛的鸡眼 指甲大小调整 宽脚变窄(尤其是脚前侧) 填充程序(将脂肪或透明质酸注入脚部,使脚底更具缓冲性 ​ 您也可以选择同时进行额外的手术。这些可能包括脚趾缩短、脚趾延长和脂肪垫增大,或者,正如它们的绰号,Perfect 10、T 型和 Foot Tuck。手术后,您的脚将被包扎,您将被带到恢复室,在那里您的血压和心率将被监测。除非出现问题,否则您将在康复几个小时后获准回家。 术后肿胀在 3-6 个月内消退。那时,您将能够看到您的脚要窄得多,如果您选择了额外的程序,也会更短一些。 ​ 获取报价 First Name Last Name Email Write a message Birthday Country Code & Phone Country Side View Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Top View Upload supported file (Max 15MB) I agree to the share my informations 提交 感谢提交!

  • 关于肢体延长的最常见问题

    关于肢体延长的常见问题 问题: 肢体延长方法有什么区别? ​ 回答: LON 意味着在指甲上加长。内部和外部每条腿上将有 2 个设备。 优点: + 你不需要电动钉子 + 目前世界上高度可靠和最常用的肢体延长方法。 +最重要的因素是它的成本非常合理。 ​ - LON 方法需要在腿部延长期后进行第二次手术,以移除外固定器并锁定内钉。 ​ PRECICE 2.2 是最后一种技术髓内电动棒方法。 与 LON 相比的优势: +它嵌入患者的骨骼中,这就是为什么它不会引起任何不适并显着降低感染风险 +无外固定器 。用遥控装置进行自我电磁电动化并延伸骨骼 + 更舒适 + 你的腿周围没有明显的标志或设备 + 3 个月 与 LON 相比,恢复时间更短(肢体延长期后) ​ STRYDE 是 Precice 2.2 的升级版本。 与 LON 和 PRECICE2.2 相比的优势: + STRYDE 钉子由不锈钢制成。它比 PRECICE 2.2 钛髓内钉更坚固耐用。 + STRYDE 指甲可以轻松承受您的全部重量,因此在使用拐杖几个月后,您将能够在没有任何帮助的情况下行走。 + STRYDE 允许患者不使用 bloodthinner +无外固定器 。美甲通过遥控器自行电磁驱动 + 设备内部嵌入患者的骨骼中,这就是为什么它不会引起任何不适并显着降低感染风险 + 3 个月 与 LON 相比,恢复时间更短(肢体延长期后) ​ 问题: 肢体延长期间我会感到疼痛吗? ​ 回答: 手术后您将立即接受 PCA(患者自控镇痛)。除了手术后几天的疼痛外,您感觉到的疼痛会逐渐减轻。患者改用口服止痛药,为出院做准备。出院后,所有患者都会收到口服止痛药的处方。在手术后的前两周,大多数患者仍会感到一些术后疼痛。一旦这些都消失了,舒适度将大大提高。最痛苦的时期是物理治疗期间的伸展运动和睡觉时。我们经常开一些药物来帮助睡眠。大多数患者在白天不会抱怨太多疼痛。实际的腿部延长过程通常是无痛的。大多数患者在腿部延长的大部分时间里几乎没有疼痛。 问题: 我将如何长高? ​ 回答: 根据您选择的方法,肢体延长将每天进行 3 或 4 次,相当于每天 1 毫米。由于体积小,人体很容易适应肢体延长,不会出现预期的疼痛。 问题: 我可以同时进行胫骨和股骨手术吗? ​ ​答: 是的,您可以同时拥有股骨和胫骨。根据患者的年龄和健康状况,他/她可能会在第一次手术的肢体延长期后立即进行第二次手术。患者也可以进行四边形肢体延长 手术。请询问套餐选项。 ​ ​ 问题: 如何预约手术日期? ​ ​答: 请发送电子邮件至 Murat Ekinci 或致电:+ 905330164562 ,他们将帮助您找到手术日期。为了确保手术日期,您需要发送您的机票详细信息以确认您的抵达。 ​ 问题: 我需要将押金寄到我的肢体延长手术吗? ​ 回答: 不,我们不收取预订手术的押金,但我们需要您购买机票的屏幕截图,以证明您是来接受手术的。 ​ 问题: 我如何支付手术费用? ​ 回答: 在与我们的办公室协商后,我们只接受现金或在线电汇付款。很遗憾,我们不接受信用卡或借记卡。我们不分期付款或付款计划。​ ​ 问题: 我会住哪家医院? ​ 回答: 我们在 Medistanbul 私立医院进行肢体延长手术。拥有100张床位和6个高科技手术室、30个ICU病房的A++型私立医院。肢体延长手术是一项大型手术,需要高端住院服务才能进行无并发症的手术和术后护理。 ​ 问题: 肢体延长手术有哪些风险? ​ ​答: 患者必须知道这一点,世界上没有 100% 无风险的手术。一些风险;手术、麻醉、血栓(栓塞)、感染、关节僵硬、循环障碍或神经紧张引起的疼痛。这些症状可能以非常低的百分比发生,但患者在决定接受此手术之前必须知道这一点。如果患者接受了 LON 方法手术;可能会看到指甲排气处的微小感染,但它很容易治疗,而不会导致清洁敷料和如果需要口服抗生素的严重问题。我们从未在 Precice 2.2 和 STRYDE 患者中观察到任何感染。 ​ 问题: 谁不能进行肢体延长手术? ​ ​答: 患有凝血障碍的人,​ HIV/AIDS、活动性感染和 BDD(身体畸形障碍是一种精神障碍,在这种障碍中,您无法停止思考自己的一个或多个感知缺陷或缺陷。外貌)。延长期间不能履行责任的人也不能做这个手术,因为肢体延长手术的成功,还取决于患者锻炼的决心。​ ​ ​ 问题: 存在哪些肢体延长手术方法? ​ 回答: 目前,BETZ、Guichet、Ilizarov、Holyfix、LON、Precice 2.2、Precice STRYDE 方法在世界范围内被用于美容肢体延长。但作为“加长土耳其身高解决方案”,我们只使用最成功和最可靠的方法:LON、Precice 2.2 和 Precice STRYDE。 ​ ​ 问题: LON 方法如何工作? ​ 回答: 在手术的第一阶段,将髓内钉插入您希望进行手术的骨骼中,然后将外固定器装置从外部连接到腿部。在肢体延长期间,髓内钉可防止成角畸形。肢体延长完成后,可随着内固定(螺钉插入)完成拆除外固定器。与其他方法相比,这种方法是一项开创性的发展,仅涉及使用没有内钉的外固定器,这在大多数情况下会导致错位。因此,目前世界上最常见的肢体延长术(LON 方法)是骨科医生进行的最常用的肢体延长手术方法。 ​ ​ 问题: Precice 2.2 和 Precice STRYDE 方法如何工作? ​ 回答: 患者或其在酒店的助手在第一天进行肢体延长。肢体延长为0.33mm,每天3次。肢体延长是通过使用称为 ERC(外部远程控制)设备的特殊设备完成的。我们的骨科技术人员将培训您执行此操作,直到您在第一天使用 ERC 设备感到舒适。每位患者都会收到一份 ERC。 ERC 必须在肢体延长结束时归还,以避免 Ellipse 技术公司为该设备收取费用(30,000 美元)。只要退回,ERC设备是免费的。 ​ 问题: 我什么时候可以做 X 光检查? ​ 回答: 每两周从肢体延长开始日期开始。我们的移动 X 光工作人员和移动 X 光设备将被带到您的房间进行 X 光检查。从这些X光片我们会检查你的进展和愈合情况,所以根据你的愈合速度,我们可能会命令你减少或增加肢体延长速度,以防止你的骨头过早愈合或不愈合。如果患者在肢体延长期间回国,他/她必须每15天向我们发送X光片进行随访。 ​ 问题: 可以延长的安全量是多少,为什么不能做更多的长度? ​ 回答: 肢体延长的极限是软组织。肢体延长引起并发症的风险随着长度的增加而增加。根据我们之前的数百名患者,高达 5 厘米没有风险。 5-8cm 为中等风险,8cm 以上为高风险。比如实现10cm的肢体延长;这是 将股骨和胫骨各延长 5 厘米比将任一骨骼延长 10 厘米要安全得多。 ​ ​ 问题: 我可以获得资金来帮助支付手术费用吗? ​ 回答: 我们不提供融资。如果您需要融资,您需要自己私下获得 手术前全额支付。 ​ 问题: 我可以恢复手术前的健康吗? ​ 回答: 肢体延长手术可能需要一些时间,但最终您可以恢复手术前的健康并进行您想要的运动。对于许多运动类型,您可能需要等待长达 1 年才能恢复。关键是要有耐心,听从医生的指示,下定决心做运动,关心你的整体健康。 问题: 手术后疤痕如何? ​ 回答: 我们使用微创方法将肢体延长装置放入骨骼中。在臀部区域做一个 1 到 1.5 厘米的切口,在大腿侧面做 4 或 5 个小于 1 厘米的切口。这些疤痕很小,不太明显。大多数看起来不比蚊虫叮咬大。对于胫骨有更多的切口。要切割的切口长约1厘米。指甲插入切口再次长 1 至 1.5 厘米,其余切口均小于 1 厘米。 问题: 我可以做些什么来准备手术? ​ 回答: 作为身体准备:伸展运动可能会有所帮助。 对于股骨肢体延长: 1) 髂胫束;侧躺,伸展臀部,使大腿与身体成一条直线,并弯曲膝盖。在那个位置,尝试将弯曲的膝盖朝向地面。此外,您可以在臀部伸直的情况下进行盘腿伸展。这些延伸了 IT 波段。 2)股四头肌,尤其是股直肌(屈膝同时伸直臀部。可站立时将脚拉到臀部后仰或跪姿后仰)。 3) 腘绳肌:屈髋时伸直膝关节。 对于胫骨肢体延长:跟腱:跟索;最大背屈(脚向上),膝盖完全伸展(伸直)。 ​ 最重要的是停止吸烟 和接触二手烟。 ​ 问题: 我会在手术前去看外科医生并进行咨询吗? ​ 回答: 是的,在您手术前一天,我们的外科医生将对您进行身体检查并进行咨询。 ​ ​ 问题: 手术后我什么时候可以恢复日常生活? ​ 回答: 如果您使用 LON 方法,您将在 2-3 个月内根据您的身高目标摆脱伸肌设备,如果您使用 Precice 2.2 或 STRYDE,您将在达到目标时停止使用遥控器。 之后你要做的就是坚定地进行日常的伸展和肌肉锻炼,如果你这样做了,你将在肢体延长期后 的3-4个月内开始在没有帮助的情况下行走。 ​ ​ 问题: 如果我选择 LON 方法,我可以用腿上的设备走路吗? ​ 回答: 你可以在家里走路,也可以带着设备出去走路。建议步行,只要不是太极端。同时,你也可以做上身锻炼,锻炼要求你不能站立太多。 ​ 问题: 这个手术有什么难点? ​ 回答: 第一天你会在床上。第二天,您可以使用助行器并满足您的需求。根据您的情况,您将在医院度过 4 晚/5 天。手术后的前两个月你必须耐心等待。因为每天你都会长 1 毫米。随着时间的推移,你的腿可能会紧张。但这是暂时的。当肢体延长结束时,疼痛会减轻,紧张感会逐渐结束。 ​ ​ 如果您有更多问题,您可以通过填写联系表 、电子邮件 或简单地通过WhatsApp 发送您的问题来快速获得答案。 ​

  • 四边形延长手术套餐 | Lengthening Turkey

    四边形延长手术包 四边形肢体延长手术意味着股骨(大腿骨)和胫骨(胫骨)将同时进行。四边形手术选项有股骨 PRECICE+胫骨 PRECICE 或股骨 PRECICE+胫骨和 LON 方法。 如果您进行四边形肢体延长手术,您必须在伊斯坦布尔停留 3 个月,并在我们的监督下入住我们的酒店。 ​ 四边形手术可让患者在 3 个月内将腿延长至 12-14 厘米 / 5-5.5 英寸! 我们需要您向我们发送您希望进行手术的骨骼 X 光片,以检查您是否适合。 如果需要,您可以联系我们索取 X 射线中心的医嘱。 ​ 术后一周肢体延长开始于每天 1 毫米 1cm=10天 8cm=80天 8cm 表示 3.15 英寸 ​ 指甲会在您的骨骼中停留 1-1.5 年,因此新的骨纤维会在它们周围形成。去除主钉是可选的。您可以终身保留它们,也可以将它们移除。它们是 100% 固体钛和 MRI 兼容。 四边形 PRECICE 封装详情 四边形 PRECICE 酒店除外* 使用 PRECICE 进行股骨 + 胫骨手术 住院 5 天/4 晚(包含所有膳食) 伊斯坦布尔四点喜来登酒店 90 晚酒店住宿( 早餐 包含 ) 免费无线网络 酒店住宿期间 14 天专人看护 7/24** 在您的房间进行 6 次美孚 X 射线检查 在此期间所有与手术相关的药物 所有敷料材料和用品 助行器 - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座升降器 定制腿部支撑夹板 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有测试和考试 *如果您选择不含酒店的套餐,则需自行预订位置。它必须在伊斯坦布尔的 Kagithane 地区,并且必须有一个健身房。 **护理员 7/24 与您住在同一个房间,为期 14 天,帮助您满足您的所有需求。 四边形 PRECICE+LON 封装详情 四边形 PRECICE+LON 酒店除外* 股骨 PRECICE+胫骨 LON 手术 住院 5 天/4 晚(包含所有膳食) 酒店住宿期间 14 天专人看护 7/24* 在您的房间进行 6 次美孚 X 射线检查 在此期间所有与手术相关的药物 所有敷料材料和用品 助行器 - 拐杖 - 轮椅 - 马桶座升降器 定制腿部支撑夹板 每日私人物理治疗 医院-机场-酒店之间的所有交通 所有测试和考试 *如果您选择不含酒店的套餐,则需自行预订位置。它必须在伊斯坦布尔的 Kagithane 地区,并且必须有一个健身房。 **护理员 7/24 与您住在同一个房间,为期 14 天,帮助您满足您的所有需求。 Deluxe King Room Restaurant FourPoints Sheraton Lobby Winter Garden Spa 获取报价 请随时填写以下申请表以了解套餐价格。 名 姓 当前身高体重 国家 Country Code & Phone 電子郵件 您希望什么时候进行手术? Birthday 我接受分享我的信息 How did you found us? Google Google Ads Instagram Forums YouTube 發送 感谢提交!

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