Limb Lengthening Surgery Methods
Over the first half of the 20th century, the lengthening devices ranged from the traction Thomas splint device of Codivilla, to various bed mounted and semi-portable external fixation devices. The early limb lengtheners employed distraction osteogenesis to fill the distraction gap produced by their fixators. It was not however until the 1950’s and 60’s that the biology of distraction osteogenesis became understood. This was largely due to Ilizarov and his group in Kurgan, USSR. Currently we use 3 methods for our surgeries.
As Limb Lengthening methods we use only the most reliable, safest and most succesful methods in the world for our patients. LON Method, Precice 2.2 Method, Precice STRYDE. As of 2022 we did more than 1000 succesful limb lengthening surgeries. What we are trying to accoplish is giving the best orthopedic experience by providing the highest standard of care, comfort, education and service with reasonable price.